Gene Pool Boy Cover


Gene Pool Boy

Coming Soon!

Gene Pool Boy Cover

The Gene Pool Boy

Coming Soon

A Bounty On Air Force One

The Immaculate Infection

Primary Candidates by Mike Sutton

Primary Candidates

High Order by Mike Sutton

High Order

No Survivors by Mike Sutton

No Survivors

Every American, Vietnam veteran or not, will find No Survivors a magnificent illustration of one of the most painful chapters in our nation’s history.

Pete Peterson

Former Ambassador to Vietnam, POW Hanoi (1966-73)

This may be Vietnam’s version of All Quiet On The Western Front. If you read only one novel about Vietnam, make it No Survivors.

Captain Giles Norrington

POW Hanoi (1968-73)

No Survivors is a damn good book. It took me right back to Vietnam.

Gene Risher

UPI Bureau Chief, Saigon (1966-68)

About Mike

Mike Sutton is an author, photographer, and patriot. He served three tours in the Vietnam War with the US Army between 1964 and 1970. After two more years as a drill instructor, he left the Army and enjoyed a 35-year career in the computer industry, during which he discovered his passion for writing.

Around 1985, Mike was attending Vietnam Vet outreach sessions while on a temporary assignment in Boston with IBM. He listened intently to his fellow vets but didn’t say anything himself. Eventually, one of the counselors said, “If you can’t talk about Vietnam, write about it.”

Mike started writing down his experiences during the war. After filling up a couple of notebooks, a friend asked what he was going to do with them. Not having thought about it, he told her he didn’t know. She said, “Why don’t you turn them into a book?”

That was the genesis of his first book, No Survivors. Mike has since published High Order and Primary Candidates, and The Immaculate Infection.

Mike is passionate about his work and his stories will keep you riveted and furiously turning pages. He specializes in fact-based fiction. Although the characters are fictional, they are based on the real lives of America’s service men, women, and first responders. They are true heroes in real life and his published works.

Mike is a world traveler and spends much of his leisure time behind a camera capturing majestic vistas. You can find his landscape photography at BackPackPhotos. He also sells military and first responder inspired clothing and accessories at WarZoneWear.

As a strong supporter of America’s veterans and first responders, each of Mike’s companies donates 50% of its profits to various support organizations such as The American Legion, The Combat Infantrymen’s Association, Disabled American Veterans (DAV), The Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) and the Virginia State Police Association (VSPA).

Mike Sutton in Alaska

Contact Mike